Customization options
Almost all shoes from the brand "Sanctum Shoes" can be made to order and custom-made. Please note that only Sanctum brand models can be customized! PLEASE NOTE: Giaro heels and boot models CANNOT be custom made.
All custom (MTM) and made-to-order (MTO) orders are placed through our sister webshop Sanctum Shoes!
Made to Order (MTO) vs Custom Made (MTM)
With made-to-order boots and heels you have the option to choose color and material. This is sufficient for most shoe lovers with standard sizes. Our made-to-order shoes have options for color, sole color, and material choice. While these options will probably make you happy for sandals and pumps, you may want more customization for your leather boots if you have for example wider calves or narrow legs.
The best way to enjoy your leather boots is to have them custom made to the exact size of your ankle, calf and thigh. We call these "made to measure" (MTM) or custom boots. You can then have your ankle, calf and thigh sizes adjusted exactly to your wishes.
Read more about customization - MTM versus MTO here on the Sanctum website
Do you have any questions or requests? Contact us at
What are the options for made-to-order shoes?
Almost all Sanctum shoes in our store that are made in Italy can be customized. The adjustments you can choose from without taking measurements are:
- material: nappa leather, calfskin, patent leather, suede, python leather in all colors.
- color of the inside and outside; see the colors here on the Sanctum website
- sole color: standard beige leather or black; but also in shiny pink, apple green, dark blue, light blue and purple. Please note: red soles are not possible due to possible legal problems with Louboutin.
Go to the Sanctum website to discover all custom and tailor-made options